Guest Illustrator #02: Natasha Searston
That just might be the most used adjective I hear when someone passes by Natasha’s prints at the studio. Seriously, have a look here.
Natasha’s illustration in this issue helped me present a recent project of mine: the Print Swaps. And of course, she outright used the full spread to the idea’s benefit. Look at how the two pages (and bears) exchange these beautiful textures. Because this zine is hand-pulled screen printed, the textures and colours overlay to create a third pattern and a new and darker tone.
I must say working with an illustrator that knows the print process as well as Natasha is always rewarding. And you can see that on the image below.

On the other page…

View this post on InstagramA post shared by Natasha Searston (@natashasearston) on
View this post on InstagramA post shared by Natasha Searston (@natashasearston) on
Date: 6th Dec. 2019
Category: Guest Illustrator
Author: Zé Monteiro