Inspiration: Films
We Love Cinema
I get inspiration from different places and situations, as you can already know on other articles like this. It can be all around. What we see, hear, watch, etc. All corniness aside, it’s what we perceive, sometimes even when oblivious to it. Naturally, in films too.
I mean, how many times have you dreamt about something that you’ve seen in a film? I surely do, perhaps a bit too much. That means it’s there in our mind, right?
I confess not being the most film-tuned-in person, so I cheat and learn my stuff on film websites. Lately I’ve been using my friend Juan’s website We Love Cinema.
The other day, I read an article about the release of Parasite, but in its black-and-white version. The reason/need for it, along with what’s different about it. I mean, isn’t it exactly to know these different things that we read in the first place? It’s like a magazine article that you get drawn into.
The website does have some film rankings, trailers and where you can watch that specific film in London, but when I’m trying to smart up on any particular actor/director, I go to its “In Five Films” category. It’s a list with individual explanations of the five must-watch pieces of that artist. A “if you really want to know him/her” kind of list. Definitely recommend it.
Nonetheless, there’s one thing I would add.
One of my most played playlists on Spotify is the “Iconic Soundtracks” – it’s amazing to work listening to it, everything I do sounds so epic! So I would love to read some more on something soundtrack related. What do you think Juan?
Overall, the best thing might even be that the website has a super friendly but knowledgeable feel. It’s pretty cool.
Read more about what I’ve been looking at for inspiration here:
Date: 17th Sep. 2020
Category: Inspiration
Author: Zé Monteiro