About CHIMPAN zine showing a squeegee

What's this CHIMPAN thing?

I’m passionate about design magazines and being part of the creative community. I’m a designer myself so I’ve decided to combine that skillset, desire to meet creatives and with my other love – screen printing! BOOM, this zine was born!

I understand why you’d read a creative magazine. I read tons of them! Love all things printed! CHIMPAN features what I’ve been up to and who I’ve been meeting with, along with their projects and ideas.

All screen printed!

How did
it all start?



My brother used to call me chimpan just to annoy me. You know, as my name itself would complete the chimpanzee name calling. Brotherly love is the best. This cheeky zine started as a personal project, so it deserved a cheeky personal name!



My friends back home kept calling me lazy. “Zé you never post online, such a lazy dude. How are we supposed to know what you’ve been up to?”. Yup, they were/are right.⁠

I’m a print kind of guy, so I decided to send them a small zine. I love designing, all things printed, those geeky magazine stores… and hey! Crazy new adventure! Plus, great excuse to meet new creatives and include them all in. Why not?⁠



Gathering what i’ve been up to and what I’ve been looking at for inspo, throwing an interview with a great artist, having a guest illustrator, blabbering about my fav snacks…. yes I’m a foodie.

It sounded like stuff that I would talk about with a friend anyway so content was set!⁠

Read the Zine:


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A Day in the Life of a Screen Printer, with Underpinned

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Inspiration: We Love Cinema

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ze monteiro profile picture, creator of CHIMPAN zine

Why did I start publishing CHIMPAN zine?

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