CHIMPAN zine #02
Scaling up!
Everyone dreams of this scaling up part of any hopefully successful project.
A milestone that validates your journey. Isn’t it why we enjoy the training bit of any skill related film? A repetition of “Wax on, wax off” to then… puff! All Scaled up and evolved!
CHIMPAN is taking the leap from zine to magazine, so jump with me. It’s been such a fun project that this second issue had to be made. This one looks at how can you apply this expression to your project from many angles. I had the pleasure to talk to RUDE, who took it from fun to (family) business, while Donk challenges the size and scale in his work. Also had the opportunity to talk to Lucie from H E X prints, who is taking her own revised steps from the former Luma studio. I am surely taking notes.
Last but not least, I have invited the amazing Natasha to illustrate and present a pet project of mine – the Print Swaps. We will tell you all about it. Here’s the second issue, enjoy!

About CHIMPAN zine:
I love to print, make and design stuff – you know that, right? CHIMPAN is about keeping in touch with you, but printed, which is way more fun! Sections like WHAT I’VE BEEN “looking at” and “up to” are to let you know what I’ve been up to and whom have I been with. Some projects might be finished, others just out of the sketch book. Keeping you in the loop is what this is all about. As always, look at the last few pages for my flavours of the month. Everyone munches!
A big thanks goes out to those who participated in this issue one way or another. RUDE, DONK and Lucie for our talks, Natasha for the illustration. They’re all such a huge part of the project. Lastly, A huge thanks to so many of you who support and inspire me regularly. Plus, thank you, yes you, for having a read!
Artists, screen printers and generous millionaires can contact me via chimpanzine@zemonteiro.com
This CHIMPAN issue is hand-pulled screen printed.
In this Scaling Up! issue:
- Meet’em: RUDE Studio
- WHAT I’VE BEEN looking at
- Show me your moves: Donk
- Meet’em: Hex Prints
- WHAT I’VE BEEN up to
- Guest illustrator: Natasha Searston
- Print swaps
- Snack Reviews: Best and Weirdest
And of course, the second issue of CHIMPAN zine would have not been possible without the help from these lovely lot:
Date: 6th Dec. 2020
Category: From Zé
Author: Zé Monteiro